DragonBallZTCG Wiki
U077 - Cell Jr

Card Type[]


Limit per Deck[]



Saiyan, Earthling, Namekian, Alien, Android

Original Text[]

(This personality cannot gain stages.)

CONSTANT: When this card is leaving play, you may banish it to destroy the top card of your opponent's Life Deck.

Erratum Text[]


Official Clarifications[]

This personality is also prevented from "raising" stages (e.g. Namekian Fusion[source][source]).

If I only control Cell Jr., Escaping and Cell Jr., Trapped and then use Cell, Prepared's power to shuffle Cell Jr., Escaping and choose to banish Cell Jr., Escaping instead of shuffling him into my Life Deck, will Cell Jr., Trapped's constant power increase the amount of cards my opponent destroys by 1 for Cell Jr, Escaping's effect?

** Yes.[source]

Community Clarifications[]

If your opponent or you uses an effect to banish Cell Jr. - Escaping from play you can elect to banish it for the destroy effect even though it is already being banished.

If your Cell Jr. - Escaping is being shuffled into your life deck you can banish it but you must still shuffle your deck.

Game Rules Links[]

To be added
