DragonBallZTCG Wiki
C038 - Orange Torching Drill

Card Type[]


Limit Per Deck[]


Original Text[]

CONSTANT: Whenever one of your Drills enters play during combat, destroy the top card of your opponent's Life Deck.

Erratum Text[]


Official Clarifications[]

If this Drill enters play during combat, it does not affect itself because its CONSTANT effect is not active until it is already in play.[source]

If this Drill is put into play with other Drills during the same effect, for example Goku, Super Saiyan's card power, the Drills are considered to be played simultaneously. This drill does not activate for each Drill entering play after in this manner.[source]

If multiple Drills enter play simultaneous (e.g. Goku, Super Saiyan, Orange Smash), each Drill would independently trigger Orange Torching Drill. An opponent's Lookout Drill would only reduce the first triggered destroy effect to 0. Any remaining "destroy 1" effects would go off normally.[source]

Community Clarifications[]


Game Rules Links[]

To be added
